Research Interests
Educational Informationization
Educational Background
Visiting Scholar, State University of New York, 2013;
PhD in Education Technology, Nanjing Normal University, 2006;
MA, in Education Technology, Beijing Normal University, 2000;
BA in E-Education, Nanjing Normal University, 1994;
Research Projects in recent years
1.National Social Science Fund Project (No. CCA110108, ¥120,000): The Influence of Micro blog on Undergraduates’Communication Behavior and Its Education Strategy. 2011-2014;
2.National Social Science Fund Project (No. BCA70085, ¥200,000): Study on the Motivating Model and Quality Evaluation of Social Knowledge Network. 2017-2020;
3.Jiangsu Social Science Fund (Youth) (No. 11JYC13, ¥50,000): The Internet Emergency and Undergraduates’ Behavior. 2011-2014;
4.Jiangsu Institutes of Higher Learning Philosophy Social Science Project: Undergraduates’ Internet Crisis Education Theory and Practice. 2010-2012;
Selected Publications
1.Wang Fan, Zhang Lirong. The Situation of Official Weibo Account of Universities and Developmental Exploration – A Survey Based on Sina Weibo. China Educational Technology, 2012 (5) :28-32.
2.Wang Fan. Strategy and Teaching Method of New Media Quality, Press Circle, 2012 (11) :68-71.
3.Wang Fan, Feng Cong. Constructing A Model for Assessing Students' Network Information Crisis. Education Research,2012 , 18 (6) :95-101.
4.Wang Fan. New Interpretation of Socialized Study in “Micro Age”. China Educational Technology, 2013 (10) :14-18,
5.Wang Fan. Weak Coupling Coordination Study Principle and Case Study in Micro Age. e-Education Research, 2014 (9) :91-97
6.Wang Fan. Explore the Nature of Social Learning in Micro Era, China Educational Technology,2014 (8) :19-25.
7.Wang Fan. On the Changes and Potential Education Data from the Wisdom of Education. China Educational Technology, 2015 (8) :10-15.
8.Wang Fan. Wisdom Education: Teaching Design Digitalization and Case Study.e-Education Research,2015 (8) :67-72.
9.Wang Fan, Shu Hang, Cai Yingge, Qian Wenjun. Creation and Practice of Knowledge in Internet Plus Era – New Demands of Wisdom Education. e-Education Research, 2016 (4) :42-48.
10.Wang Fan, Wei Benya. MPOC in Regional Teachers Training and Implementation.China Educational Technology, 2016 (7) :126-131.
Wang Fan. Study on the Media Literacy Education from the Perspective of Educational Technology, China Social Sciences Press, Beijing,2012.
Wang Fan. Socialized Study Power in Micro Era, China Social Sciences Press, Beijing, 2015.
Wang Fan. Evaluation and Intervention of Undergraduate Internet Information Crisis, Soochow University, Soochow, 2015.
Honors and Awards
First Prize, The 8th Jiangsu Institutes of Higher Learning Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievements Awards, 2013
Third Prize, The 14th Jiangsu Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievements Awards, 2016
Second Prize, The 4th Jiangsu Education Science Outstanding Achievements Awards, 2016
Second Prize, 2016 Jiangsu Social Science Application Research Excellent Project, 2017
Third Prize, The 10th Xuzhou Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievements Awards, 2011
Second Prize of Excellent Paper, Jiangsu Philosophy and Social Science Academic Conference, 2015
Candidate of Jiangsu Innovative Project, 2012
Model of May Day, Jiangsu Education Science Labor Union, 2013