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  Theschool has a Jiangsu Province Experimental Teaching Center, a Jiangsu ProvinceCenter of Education in Practice, and 26 practice and internship bases inBeijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu province.

  Theschool was established in 1996. It is located in the beautiful Quanshan Campus.The school offers the program of Management Science and Engineering forgraduate students. For undergraduate students, the school offers two theprograms of Computer Science and Technology and Software Engineering. There aretwo provincial centers: the Provincial Experimental Teaching Center and the ProvincialCenter for Educational Practice. There are three research centers: EducationPerception and Intelligence Research Center, Wisdom Education EngineeringCenter, and a Demonstration Center for Computer Science Experiment and TeachingPractice.

  Theschool has about 700 full-time undergraduate students, over 50 registered studentsin adult education. It has 41 full-time teachers, including 22 professors and associateprofessors and 29 doctors. Its excellent equipment, good disciplinary strict andadministration together ensure the education quality.

  Inrecent years, the school has undertaken 112 research projects, including 7 supportedby National Natural Science Foundation of China, published 357 research papers,14 monographs and textbooks. Its undergraduates have won the 1st, 2ndand 3rd prizes many times in China Undergraduate Mathematical Contestin Modeling and many others.

Computer Science and Technology

  Thisprogram is to cultivate the application-oriented engineering talents. Theprogram prepares students with professional ethics, sound morality, scientificquality and a good mastery of basic knowledge in both natural science andhumanities. It equips students with a systematical mastery of the theories incomputer science and technology, the capabilities in application andinnovation, and the ability to analyze and solve problems in computer science.

  Theprogram attaches great importance to students’ teamwork spirit, competence indeveloping and debugging computer programs, and in hardware development andmaintenance. It also pays attention to students’ self-teaching and organizingabilities and the awareness of innovation, competition and self-development.Students trained in this program are expect to be qualified personnel capableof IT projects development and maintenance for enterprises.

  Thefaculty for this program comprises 18 professors and associated professors, and22 doctors.

Software Engineering

  Thisprogram is to cultivate specialists in software research, development,management and services. The program prepares students with professionalethics, sound morality, scientific quality and a good mastery of basicknowledge in both natural science and humanities. It equips students with amastery of the theories in computer science and knowledge in softwareengineering and application. It enriches students’ ability in software developmentand their experience the respect as well as their project management ability.

  Theprogram attaches great importance to students’ teamwork spirit, theirperception in software systems, computer systems, information systems andcomputer software as well as related social system. It also pays attention tostudents’ basic knowledge in computer software and software engineering.Students trained in this program are expect to be qualified personnel withpractical abilities of system analysis and software design, with practicalexperience in project development and with the ability to solve complicatedsoftware problems through engineering technology.

  Thefaculty for this program comprises 17 professors and associate professors, and21 doctors.

  ConsultingLine: 86-516—83500306 83500304

