Synchronizability of Multiplex Network


Speaker: Professor Wu Xiaoqun

Topic: Synchronizability of Multiplex Network

Date: November 3

Time: 9:30-10:30

Venue: Room 908, Building 9, (Tencent Meeting, ID: 683 890 252)

Sponsor: School of Wisdom Education (Schoolof Computer Science and Technology), Institute of Science and Technology


Synchronization phenomena are of broad interest across disciplines and increasingly of interestin a multiplex network setting. Starting from two-layer star networks, we discuss theoretically and numerically the impact of various interlayer connection patterns on the synchronizability of duplex networks. Then we present the optimal interlayer connection pattern for maximizing synchronizability of general two-layer networks. Finally, for the multiplex network of coupled Rössler oscillators, we show how the master stability function, a celebrated framework for analyzing synchronization on a singlenetwork, can be extended to certain classes of multiplex networks with different intralayer and interlayer coupling functions. We derive three masterstability equations that determine, respectively, the necessary regions ofcomplete synchronization, intralayer synchronization, and interlayer synchronization. We calculate these three regions explicitly for the case of a two-layer network of Rössler oscillators and show that the overlap of the regions determines the type of synchronization achieved. Furthermore, for any network structure, the occurrence of intralayer and interlayer synchronization depends mainly on the coupling functions of nodes within a layer and across layers, respectively. Our mathematical analysis requires that the intralayer and interlayer supra-Laplacians commute. But, we show this is only a sufficient, and not necessary, condition and that the results can be applied more generally.
