School of Business has formed a pattern of multi-disciplinesdevelopment. It offers 8 undergraduate programs, namely, Economics, InternationalEconomics and Trade, Finance Engineering, Commerce Economics, FinancialManagement, Accounting, Marketing and Logistics Management. Two masterprograms, namely Applied Economics and Management Science and Engineering, andone master program, Political Economics.
The school has more than 2100 undergraduates and postgraduates. Thenumber of faculty and staff totals 92, including 3 doctoral supervisors and 25supervisors of master’s degree candidates. There are 36 professors andassociate professors, 54.84% faculties have doctoral degree. In recent fiveyears, they undertook two research projects launched by The NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, six research projects launched by The NationalSocial Science Foundation of China, eleven research projects launched by TheFoundation of Ministry of Education and published more than 20 academic booksand more than 500 papers, of which 180 appeared in national authoritativejournals and core journals.
The school carries out self-education and practical education basedon the “students-oriented” principle. It is devoted to laying solid foundationfor students to be able to work in banks, enterprises, trade corporations, orthey go abroad for further study.
International Economicsand Trade
This program aims to train students to be interdisciplinary talentswith innovative spirit and international visions. Students are offered thebasic principle of Marx's Economics and basic theory of modern westerneconomics, as well as basic knowledge, theory and skill of InternationalEconomics and Trade. They are expected to be familiar with international tradepractice and proficient in an international general foreign language. Studentsare trained to work in the field of foreign economic and trade, financialinstitution, foreign-funded enterprise and government engaged in foreign tradebusiness, management and planning.
The number of faculty and staff totals 12, among whom 4 with seniorprofessional titles, 8 with doctoral degree (including Ph.D. candidate), 1 supervisorof master’s degree candidates. There are 2 distinguished professors and someother part-time professors from practice department of enterprises andgovernment.
It offers following courses, namely, International Trade Practice, InternationalCommercial Law, Business English, Oral English for International Trade, Introductionto E-Commerce, International Marketing, International Finance, Business EnglishCorrespondence and Integrated Model Experiment for International Trade.
Finance Engineering
This program aims to train students to be applied finance engineeringtalents with interdisciplinary knowledge, international visions and innovativespirits. It offers opportunities for students to master the basic theories ofFinance and the fundamental theories and methods of Finance Engineering,knowledge of economics, management, law and finance. It also emphasizespractical ability and innovative awareness. Students are expected to work infinancial institutions and related departments of non-financial enterprises engagedin financial activities and management.
The faculty and staff are composed of full-time teachers andpart-time teachers. Full-time teachers are divided into professional teachersand general course teachers. Part-time teachers are mainly from cooperativeenterprises and universities. There are 30 full-time teachers, including 5professors and 15 associate professors, among whom 67% have senior professionaltitles, 18 teachers with doctoral degree, which account for 60% of full-time teachersand 11 supervisors of master’s degree candidates 37%.
Accounting was established in 1994, which was one of the first-establishedprograms. This program aims to train students to be talents with knowledge ofeconomics, management, law and accounting. It emphasizes practical needs andprofessional abilities. Students are trained to work in enterprises and relatedgovernment departments, especially transnational corporations, medium-sizeenterprises and financial institutions engaged in accounting, tax declaring, auditingand financial managing.
There are 16 full-time teachers, including 3 professors and 5associate professors, 50% of them have senior professional titles, 10 teacherswith doctoral degree, which account for 62.5% of full-time teachers and 4teachers with certified public accountants qualification 25%.
Economics is one of those early established undergraduate programs. Thisprogram aims to train students to be specialized and innovative talents withinternational visions and practical abilities.It providesstudents with a good preparation in basic theories, knowledge and skills ineconomic. It also pays attention to practical teaching and innovativeabilities. Students are expected to work in related departments of governmentand enterprises engaged in economic teaching and researching, and economicmanagement.
The faculty and staff are composed of full-time teachers andpart-time teachers. Full-time teachers include professional teachers, publicelementary course teachers and general course teachers. Part-time teachers areexperts and scholars from cooperative enterprises and universities. There are26 full-time teachers, including 6 professors and 13 associate professors,73.1% of them have senior professional titles, 21 teachers with doctoraldegree, which account for 80.8% of full-time teachers and 15 supervisors ofmaster’s degree candidates 57.7%. It also prepares students for graduateprograms or learning abroad.
Financial Management
Financial Management is one of those early established undergraduatemajors. This program aims to train students to be interdisciplinary talentswith knowledge of economics, management, law and financial management. It emphasizespractical needs and the combination of theory and practice. Students areexpected to work in profitable and non-profitable organizations engaged infinancial managing, tax declaring, auditing, teaching, scientific researching.
The faculty and staff are composed of full-time teachers andpart-time teachers. Full-time teachers include professional teachers andgeneral course teachers. Part-time teachers are mainly from cooperativeenterprises and universities. There are 32 full-time teachers, including 8professors and 15 associate professors, 71.9% of them have senior professionaltitles, 20 teachers with doctoral degree, which account for 62.5% of full-time teachersand 18 supervisors of master’s degree candidates 56.3%. It also preparesstudents for graduate programs or learning abroad.
Logistics Management
This program aims to train students to be interdisciplinary talentsin management. This program offers opportunities for students to master knowledgeof logistics and business administration and basic skills of logisticsmanagement. It offers the following courses, namely, Management, Economics,Statistics, Operation Research, Financial Management, Marketing, HumanResources Management, Production and Service Operation Management, Supply ChainManagement, Management Information Systems, Logistics System Planning and StorehouseManagement. It emphasizes practical skills in distribution management,warehouse management, production planning and controlling at modern logisticslaboratory. Students are expected to work in administrative departments andenterprises engaged in data analyzing, production and service operationmanaging, logistics and supply chain managing, human resource managing,teaching and scientific researching.
There are 4 professors and associate professors, among which 3 are supervisorsof master’s degree candidates. Above 50% teachers have doctoral degree. Mostteachers not only have solid professional knowledge but also possess rich practicalexperience.
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